This is the State of the Pamphlet Address, coming to you straight from the front lines of the beet harvest.
I’ve been quiet on here for ten days, and I wanted to give you all a quick update.
It’s been a tough stretch, but I’m alive, kicking, and ready to get back to work soon.
In this video, I touch on my health (no ulcers, just need to handle stress better), the struggles of writing when things are chaotic, and my preference for quality over rushing out content.
Also, I launched a YouTube channel! Link Below.
See you, love you, bye for now.
Finally, here’s that link:
Adam- I feel for you, as I also have a difficult time handling stress and DID end up with multiple ulcers. Stress will shorten one's life.... Yoga and actively working on gratitude have helped to keep me out of the hospital in the last 5 months. Wishing you a safe rest of your harvest and hoping that Crystal doesn't release more acres so you can get on more 'normal' hours ASAP!