Somebody's cutting onions in here 😭 I can't snap you looking like this 💘

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This is fantastic writing. Hamish Mac doesn't stand a chance against your AG on substack quest. I believe you will be the farmer that makes it happen!

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Thanks, Rachel!

Moving a tech platform seems pretty doable when you're used to moving literal tons of grain.

The truth's like soil - it eventually finds a way to the surface.

Though I gotta say, "The Farmer That Makes It Happen" might be the most flattering title I've had since "That Guy Who Only Got The Combine Stuck Once Last Season." 😎🌱

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Truth and Soil. Sounds like a future Substack title.

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'Microbe whisperer' rings my bells. Neuroscience has been exploring this concept for a few years. The brain grows and develops and learns when one brain area needs to associate with others doing the same work. It sends out 'whisperers' to find the other members of its tribe, and then the network lineman cells start running myelin wires (like mycorrhizae) between the two members.

I'm working on courseware for a textbook about this stuff, making animations to show how it happens. I'm not surprised to find that farmers are ahead of neuroscientists in using the concept for practical purposes!

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Hot damn, love seeing neuroscience catching up to what we dirt-worshippers have been practicing!

Nothing like watching those mycorrhizal networks do their holy work while the academics finally connect the dots.

Though I have to admit, your brain-to-soil parallel just blew my mind a bit.

Those animations you're working on sound like exactly what we need to help people see the invisible circus happening under their feet. Keep me posted!

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Farmers - the intersection of science, economics, poetry and plain old grit. Love this!

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You nailed what farmers are, and I've got that comment saved like it's next year's seed money.

Does anyone else keep a folder of kind words to read on those days when the clouds roll in and the self-doubt starts pouring? Asking for a friend (and by a friend, I mean me, and by folder, I mean an embarrassingly disorganized collection of screenshots).

Sometimes, you need proof you're not just shouting into the void.

Or maybe I'm the only one who needs regular reminders that the words are landing somewhere..🌱

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I grew up on a sheep ranch in Wyoming, watching my folks tear their hair out as the price of wool dropped from the highs at the end of WW2 to being essentially unsalable. Your campaign to raise awareness of what the 1% does for the 99% is near and dear to my heart. My family ranch switched to beef, but now the great drought in the Rockies is making winter feed hard to come by. People don't understand what is coming at them, and the willful ignorance promoted by those who don't think it will impact them is just escalating this scary future. You are doing good work. Bless you and yours, and I hope you have much to be grateful for this Thanksgiving holiday.

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We are soil farmers!

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🦋 Lucky we 🥰

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A lot of this I missed, listening to you record while tweaking your image. 🥹 This is my new #1, babe 💖 Bravo! xo

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And this is why we make such a killer team. You catch what I miss, I miss what you catch. 😘

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Bite the bullet. Go through the transition if you aren't already organic. Then find Gary at Midwestern Bio Ag. Purpose and profit, along with maintaining your principles is possible.

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Farmers feed the world ,are adaptable, resourceful and inventive -https://prairiefarmreport.com/category/pfr/inventions/

I grew up working between all my families ranches, mixed operations, and grain farms.

I feel your pain and revel in your success, enjoy your posts.

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